Add 20% to Your Revenue
with B2B Referrals

B2B Referrals from your Customers, Partners, and Super Connectors..

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B2B Referral Problems

Following issues hold back companies from generating 20%-40% through B2B Referrals

Topline Revenue Loss

B2B Companies with PMF can add 20-40%
revenue through referrals

No KRA's or OKR's

No Single Person is responsible for referral revenue
No KPI's for any employee

Lack of Business Process

Lack of Structured process to ask, track and gain referrals
CRM or CS or NPS do not support Referral Leads

Let's Create a Recurring Revenue Channel.

Start connecting with your Customers, Employees, Investors & Super Connector Network

Get Referrals from Customers, Partners & Super Connectors

Meet your new superpower. The powerful FOF platform helps you find your ICP's through Customers & Super Connectors

Everything you need to build
your B2B Referral in one place

We create your customer referral Leaderboard. Start growing in half the time with an all-in-one B2B Referral Platform - no more long hours spent on chasing Sales, Customer Success and Ops Teams

Add Super Connectors
To Connect to your ICP's

FOF will document your ICP and connect to top 10 Super Connectors Who can drive 5-10 Meetings each Month with high conversion rates

Mapping with Channel Partners
Discovery your Best Partners

We map your account with channel partners. Start connecting with your partners Discover B2B Referral Channel Partners, Engage and Grow your Customer Base

We could add 20-40% to Your Revenue, Let’s do it Together.

The powerful FOF Platform that helps you Discovery, Track & Reward your B2B Referrals

Get Started Now